Hello! We have been learning a lot in January! The pictures you will see throughout this post are when we are doing Read to Self. Everyone's making improvement in reading and it's so wonderful to read and discuss books with the students. During Language Core, we are working on comparing and contrasting. We started with nonfiction learning about animals. We are now working on fairy tales and have enjoyed different versions of Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Little Pigs, and Cinderella. We will be finishing the unit this week and starting biographies next week.
In writing the students wrote their own version of The Three Little Pigs. We will be taking that writing through the writing process together. Then we will publish our final copies. They will be in our classroom library for us to share and I will put them out at conferences.In math we are continuing to learn about different ways to show numbers and place value. We are working towards adding three digit numbers. The students love math and it is amazing to talk about their math thinking with them. We will also strengthen our focus on having the kids explain their math thinking in writing.
In science we are learning about rocks. This includes the layers of the Earth, different kinds of rocks, volcanoes and more. The students seem to really like science! Cheers went up when I said we were starting a science unit and learning about rocks:)
February promises to be very exciting and full of learning! Of course, we can't forget about our party on Valentine's Day. I will be sending a class list home soon so that you can start on the valentines. It's amazing how excited the students get about Valentine's Day!!