Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rocks and Minerals

Hello!  We have had a great time learning about rocks!  We learned that there are 3 kinds of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.  We learned through books and experiments.  We made volcanoes to show how igneous rock is formed.  The picture shows some of us right before we "erupted" our volcanoes.  The students had fun with this experiment and many told me that they went home and duplicated it!  I was so happy to hear that!
In math we are learning differents ways to add double digit numbers (22+36).  Soon, the students will pick ONE way that works for them and use that consistently.  Soon we will learn about telling time to 5 minutes.
In reading we read stories and write extended responses to the stories.  In an extended respose, the students restate the question asked, give details from the story to support their answer, and tell what they think about the answer.  This is a great skill to practice at home!  Ask your child a question about a book that you've read together.  Have them prove through details what their answer is.  Then ask them their personal thoughts about the answer. 
Thanks so much to all of you who sent in money for our Math-a-Thon!  I was able to purchase two games that we will use during the Math-a-Thon and throughout the year.  We can still use parent volunteers, so please send me a note if you are able to help on February 16th in the morning.
We are running a bit short on boy ROAR prizes.  If you are able to send some in, that would be awesome!
Be sure to check the side calendar on the blog for upcoming dates and events!!
Have a great week!!

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